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Answered By: Kristen Adams
Last Updated: Feb 17, 2021     Views: 265


There are multiple ways to do this.

  1. Search for the title of the journal the article is published in.
    • Use the search on e-journals page to find the link to the journal.
    • It will show you, and link to, which database/s we can access the journal from, and which date ranges we have access to.
    • If the date of your article falls into the coverage range, click on the database link and you should be able to find the article with the title, author, volume, issue and other information.
    • You'll either see a PDF button or a yellow Find It! button - which will navigate you to the full text PDF.
  2. Search for the article from the main search box on the library home page, using the 'Articles and More' selection.
    • ​You can enter in any of the citation information as keywords including title, author, journal, and year.
    • It works better if you do an advanced search and tell it what which terms are the title, author and so forth.
    • At the left side of the search results are features to help limit or refine your search by year, subject, and other characteristics.
    • Click the yellow Find It! button to locate the full text PDF.
  3. Search for it on an internet search engine like Google, Bing or DuckDuckGo.
    • Some times articles are not easy to find in library databases and sometimes you don't have all the citation information you need, so this method can be useful.
    • Some articles are published as open access so they are free on publisher's websites.
    • If you find the article you want and it looks like you have to pay for it, please look for it on the library site to see if it's available, and if it's not request it through InterLibrary Loan.

There are times when Miami won't have access to the full text of the citation you are looking for. When this happens, we can ask another library who does have it, to send us/you a copy. This process is called InterLibrary Loan and is free, but can take 3-5 days. 

Please ask for help if you need it.

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