Answered By: Kristen Adams Last Updated: Mar 27, 2020 Views: 76
You are most likely on a publisher's website if it's asking you to pay to access the article.
First, look it up from the libraries' site. Search for it on 'Articles and More', or 'Google Scholar' from the Libraries' Homepage.
When you find the article citation, you might see the PDF link right away - that's great.
Sometimes the PDF takes a few more clicks to get to, so if you see a yellow 'Find it!' button (it's not yellow on Google Scholar, but it's still there) - click on it.
You'll get either a choice/s to which database you can find the PDF in or will see that 'No full text available online'.
If no full text is available online, then unfortunately we don't have an electronic copy. However we can still get it for you by borrowing it from another library who has it. This is called InterLibrary Loan. If you click on the link to 'Request this item through InterLibrary Loan' from this page, it will have you login and fill out the request form for you with all the citation information. You'll get an email in 3-5 days letting you know the PDF is ready for you.
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